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Articles - Wireless World

January 1961

The article (and photograph) below is an extract from a report about the R.S.G.B International Hobbies Exhibition that was held at the Royal Horticultural Society's Old Hall in London during November 1960.

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January 1962

The article (and photograph) below is an extract from a report about the R.S.G.B International Hobbies Exhibition that was held at the Seymour Hall, Marble Arch in London during November 1961.

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December 1962

The article (and photograph) below is an extract from a report about the R.S.G.B International Hobbies Exhibition that was held at the Seymour Hall in London during October/November 1962

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December 1963

The article (and photograph) below is an extract from a report about the R.S.G.B International Hobbies Exhibition that was held at the Seymour Hall in London during November 1963.

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December 1964

The article (and photograph) below is an extract from a report about the R.S.G.B International Hobbies Exhibition that was held at the Seymour Hall in London during October 1964.

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December 1965

The article (and photograph) below is an extract from a report about the R.S.G.B International Hobbies Exhibition that was held at the Seymour Hall in London during October 1965.

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