TW Electronics 1958 - 2000
Articles - RSGB Bulletins 1964-67
All the articles and reviews that appear in this section are reproduced by kind permission of the R.S.G.B. (Radio Society of Great Britain) and are © RSGB.
December 1964
The photograph below is from a report about the R.S.G.B International Radio Communication Exhibition that was held at Seymour Hall, Marble Arch, London during October 1964. As may be seen from the accompanying description, TW won an award for the TW Communicator (the first of the plaques that TW won).
December 1965
The article (and photographs) below is an extract from a report about the R.S.G.B International Radio Communications Exhibition that was again held in the Seymour Hall in London during October 1965.
TW again won an award, this time for this solid state 2m VFO. The photograph below appeared in the report and the TW Electronics stand is at the front of the photograph.
December 1966
The short article below is an extract from a report about the R.S.G.B International Radio and Communications Exhibition that was held in the Seymour Hall in London during October 1966.
The photograph shown below also appeared in the report. If you look carefully you can see the TW Electronics stand in the foreground. There appears to be a TW2 (or TW4) and possibly a matching power supply and a TW Communicator at the front plus some other equipment.
November 1967
The article (and photograph) below is an extract from a report about the R.S.G.B International Radio Engineering and Communications Exhibition that was held in the Royal Horticultural Society's New Hall in London during September 1967.